The Dream Center has become the heart and soul of our City. Their initiatives and outreach into our community provide hope and inspiration to all of us. DCP is bringing people from all walks together to make great things happen. Don’t stand on the sidelines, get in the game with them.
— Jim Ardis, Mayor, City of Peoria
Dream Center has created for Riverside the opportunity to walk the talk of our desire to be “broken people helping broken people.” It has also enabled our people to unite with others from other churches with a similar desire to make a difference in our City and World. You do need to be a part of this.
— John King, Senior Pastor, Riverside Community Church
I love to hear about communities reaching out to the “down and out,” the least of these. Dream Center Peoria is really doing the work of the gospel. I have a love in my heart for the city of Peoria.
— Chris Tomlin, Christian Contemporary Music artist, worship leader and songwriter
I started praying a prayer years ago every day, ‘God, lead me today to those I need, to those that need me, and let something I do have eternal significance.’ And I just feel like Dream Center Peoria is such a where the rubber meets the road place
— Amy Grant, Christian Contemporary Music artist, author, actress
The City of Peoria is so blessed to have Dream Center peoria. This organization is doing so much of what others have only talked about. We are fortunate to have pioneers within our community who understand the needs of Peoria’s widely diverse population and offer programming to address those needs.
— Carl Cannon, E.L.I.T.E. founder
We are seeing evidence of God moving in our great City and perhaps one of the greatest examples can be found in the Dream Center. Through the Dream Center and its committed staff and volunteers, God is changing the lives of our at-risk children. This will bear fruit not only for God’s purpose but for the betterment of our society and children and families being impacted. I am grateful for their work and wholly endorse their mission!
— Steve Settingsgaard, former Peoria Police Chief