JULY 21 - 26

Mission Peoria is a weeklong mission trip designed for youth groups to serve the city of Peoria.

Each day is split up into 3 parts. Service projects, Metro kids and Mission Peoria Nights.

Teams are created to impact inner city churches and organizations through service projects. Projects in the past have included painting, landscaping, reorganizing, and cleaning at local not for profits, inner city churches, neighborhoods and parks.

In addition to impacting the churches and organizations through service, the teams are designed to reach out to the neighborhoods around the city through Metro kids, a VBS style program right in the neighborhoods. The hope is that Mission Peoria will help begin relationships between the neighborhood and the church.

Each day of serving is ended with Mission Peoria Nights. A time to hear Gods word, experience powerful worship and get energized for the next day.

The week culminates with Backpack Peoria. This is one of the most impactful days in Dream Center Peoria’s calendar. It’s where we give away 2000 backpacks loaded with school supplies to children in need. And Mission Peoria students get to be apart of that.